2002 BFA Fine Arts/ minor in History, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
2004 M.A Theory and Practice of the Contemporary Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
2007 Advanced Studies Diploma within the Phd in 'Fine Arts, Technique and Concept', Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
2012 Direction and Management of CAO's (Cultural and Artistic Organizations: Museums, Foundations, Centers, Associations and Cultural Enterprises), IArt, Madrid.
1999 Course in Experimental Painting, Arts Students League, NY, USA.
2024 Cuerda Floja (Tightrope), On Art Space, Madrid.
2023 Más que decoro (Beyond decorum), Ornella de Simone's Space, Madrid.
2022 Progreso en proceso (Progress in progress), curated by Javier del Campo y Vincent Poussou. Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos.
2022 Open Studio, Madrid.
2021 Another approach to non painting. Habitar la Línea, Madrid.
2020 The wait. Site specific project, columns of west facade, RMN Grand Palais,Paris.
2020 The wait. Site specific project, Corinthian courtyard, Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura, Gijón (Asturias).
2013 Anidar era otra cosa (Nesting was a different thing).Habitar la Línea, Madrid.
2007 En-jeu. Latin American house, Strasbourg.
2006 Juego de niños (Children's game). Young Art Network, Cultural Centre Paco Rabal, Madrid.
2002 Más allá del principio de realidad (Beyond the reality principle). Graduate project, Projects Room, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota.
2001 Dime lo que comes, te diré quién eres (Tell me what you eat, I'll tell who you are). Periferia Gallery, Bogota.
2024 6th Anniversary, Cómplices Space, Madrid.
2022 Your silent won't protect you, pop-up exhibition curated by Sara Torres, Madrid.
2021 XX years of AlNorte, XX contemporary Art week. Sabadell-Herrero showroom, Oviedo (Asturias, Spain).
2021 Red de creadores latinoamericanos 2020 (Latin american creators network 2020), Casa América, Madrid.
2021 Obertura Carabanchel, 9-12/09/21, Madrid.
2020 5 años de Atelier Solar (5 years of Atelier Solar), Cruce Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid.
2019 Paz en las mesas? (Peace at the tables?), curated by Food of War, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota.
2019 Art banchel, Studio 'Puerta 4', Madrid
2019 Ceci n'est pas un pays, curated by Andrea Perissinotto, L'emplacement, Toulouse.
2018 Open, Esto antes era campo Space, Madrid.
2018 The Lunch, Therredoom Gallery, Madrid.
2017 Alégrame las Pascuas, curated by Javier Díaz-Guardiola, Factoría de Arte y
Desarrollo, Madrid.
2017 Letstockaboutart, pop- up exhibition created by AVAM and JustMAd, Barquillo, 4,
2017 Posmandanga, pop-up exhibition, Madrid.
2017 Hybrid Art Fair, Petit Palace Hotel Santa Bárbara, Madrid.
2017 Atelier Solar II, Trapézio Space, Madrid.
2016 International Contemporary Art Biennale (SIART), Casa de la Cultura,La Paz, Bolivia.
2016 Poppositions Contemporary Art Fair -5th edition-, Brussels. From 21st to 24th April.
2016 Atelier Solar, Espacio Trapézio, Madrid.
2016 Los Artistas del Barrio (Artists in the Neighborhood), Lavapiés, Espacio Habitar la Línea, Madrid.
2015 'A Quemarropa' Residency exhibition closing, Espacio Trapézio, Madrid.
2015 Projects of the Residency 'A Quemarropa', Parking Gallery, Alicante.
2015 Luminaria, Mercado de Usera, (Usera's Market), Madrid.
2015 Colombia seis artistas (Colombia, six artists). Habitar la Línea, Madrid.
2013 Circuitos de Artes Plásticas de la Comunidad de Madrid (Circuits of Arts of the Comunity of Madrid), Hall of Young Art, Madrid.
2013 SeAlquila Mercado (ForRent Market), Market of la Cebada, Madrid.
2012 Artistas Iberoamericanos (Spanish American Artists), Emma Gallery, Madrid.
2008 Premio Joven 2008 (Young Artists Award 2008) in Fine Arts, General Foundation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, National Library, Providence Room, Instituto Leonés de Cultura, León, Spain.
2007 Premio Joven 2007 (Young Artists Award 2007), in Fine Arts, General Foundation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Museo de América (Museum of America), Madrid, Spain.
2007 Integra (Integration), Immigrant Fair, Madrid entre dos orillas (Madrid between two Shores), Recinto Ferial Juan Carlos I (Ferial Ground Juan Carlos I), Madrid, Spain.
2005 All Drawing, Fly Gallery, Untittled Space. Madrid, Spain.
2004 Pirotecnia (Fireworks), Exhibitions hall, Fine Arts Faculty, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2003 Generación Tx (Tx Generation), best Undergraduate Art projects, Gallery Alternate Space, Uniandinos, Bogotá, Colombia.
2002 Arborizarte: Una Cosecha por la Paz, (Arborizarte: A Harvest for Peace). Tree concept belonging to the University de los Andes entitled: Todo tiene solución (Everything has a solution) exhibited in different areas of the city, Bogotá, Colombia.
2001 II Premio Uniandino a las Artes, (Uniandino' Art Award II edition), Gallery Sala de Espera, (Gallery Wainting hall), Bogotá, Colombia.
2001 IV Salones Locales de Artes Plásticas (Local Art Halls IV Edition), Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation, Bogotá, Colombia.
2023 Estampa Art Fair, Ifema, Madrid.
2017 Hybrid Art Fair, Petit Palace Hotel Santa Bárbara, Madrid.
2016 Poppositions Contemporary Art Fair, 5th edition, Brussels. From 21st to 24th April.
2021 Encontros de artistas novos (Emerging artists meeting), Santiago de Compostela, Spain. From 22d to 26th August.
2015 A Quemarropa Residencia, Alicante, Spain. From 19th to 31st July.
2020 XIX AlNorte bursary, Gijón, Asturias. Site specific in Patio Corintio of Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura.
2016 Selected for the International Contemporary Art Biennale, La Paz, Bolivia.
2013 Selected for the XXIV Circuits of Arts of the Community of Madrid.
2007 Selected for the Young Artists Award in Fine Arts, General Foundation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2008 Young Artists Award, in Fine Arts, General Foundation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2022 Art Collection of the Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos, Spain
2018 Arte al Límite Collection, Chile.
2023 Diana Velásquez: Mi obra es como una sociología de lo contemporáneo, by Eugenio Rivera. Entreletras Magazine, 31/05/23.
2022 Diana Velásquez for 'Fichados', Más de Arte Magazine, 23/06/22.
2021 Patterns that live a mark by Manuel Muñiz, Art - Recorridos (Art - tours), ABC Cultural, ABC Daily news, 25/09/2021.
2018 Diana Velásquez: Reconstruir la Realidad, (Diana Velásquez: Rebuilding Reality) by Nadia Paz, argentinian curator, Arte al Límite Magazine #91, sept-oct 2018.
2013 Catálogo XXIV Circuitos de Artes Plásticas, Comunidad de Madrid, Advantia.
2010 Catálogo de Artistas Iberoamericanos Migrantes. Certamen "Inmigración y Cultura en un mundo globalizado", en http://www.oei.es/catalogoartistas/index.php
2008 Premio Joven, catálogo de Artes Plásticas, Fundación General Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Grafiset, La Compañía Gráfica, S. L., Madrid.
2007 Premio Joven, catálogo de Artes Plásticas, Fundación General Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Impresores y Revistas S. A., Madrid.
2007 Catlálogo de Artistas Madrid entre dos Orillas, Artegraf S. A., Madrid.
2023- present Editor running the section 'De Ida y Vuelta', Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo, -PAC-.
2021 Portfolio masterclass in collaboration with Idartes - Gerencia de Artes Plásticas-, Bogotá.
2021 Portfolio review and portfolio masterclass in collaboration with Centro Cultural Banco de la República, Manizales.
2019-2021. Editor at Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo -PAC-. https://www.plataformadeartecontemporaneo.com/pac/artist-interviews/
2018-2019 Visual Arts column, -interviews with contemporary artists-, Murray Magazine: https://www.murraymag.com/author/diana-velasquez/
2018 Visionado de portafolios, (Portfolios, view of contemporary art), in collaboration with Caro and Cuervo Institute,Tasman Projects, Madrid.
2018 Visionado de portafolios, (Portfolios, view of contemporary art), in collaboration with Caro and Cuervo Institute, Eugenio Trías Library, Madrid.
2015 Around Carolina Caycedo's work, Habitar la Línea Space, Madrid.
2015 Arte Colombiano por sí mismo, (Colombian Art by itself), Habitar la Línea Space, Madrid.